Our Team
Our People
We hire the best people, train and educate them continually and empower them to make the best decisions.

Our tremendous success can be directly attributed to our amazing staff members and their commitment to being a team. We hire the best people, train and educate them continually and empower them to make the best decisions. Our management style is very different from many other companies because we believe that investing in our people is one of the best investments we can make. As a result, we have a great deal of loyalty amongst our staff members. And ultimately, that’s good for our clients.
Education & Certification
Our team is highly qualified.

We employ a higher percentage of state- and nationally-certified staff (CLP, CLT, OCNT, CIC, CSP) than any landscape company in the state. All of our project managers and garden & property managers, and almost all of our foremen, have attained at least one of these prestigious certifications, and most of them have multiple certifications in addition to college degrees. What’s more, every single Pattie Group employee is required to attain a minimum of 45 hours of continuous education per year. Many achieve double that amount. The result is the most educated, highly trained collection of talent anywhere.
Longevity & Experience
To have more than 50 years in the business, you know it takes an impeccable reputation. The experience of all of our staff combined equates to over 700 years of experience in the industry. Company-wide, over half of our staff has been with us over five years, more than 35% have been with us longer than ten years, and the remaining 10% are the future long-term employees of The Pattie Group who make the best and brightest the industry has to offer. These figures are unheard of for any business, especially a green-industry business. It is precisely why we work so well together and exemplify a mastery of the craft like no other around.
Contact Us
We look forward to hearing from you. Contact us with questions or tell us more about your project or desired services.
Get In Touch!“ The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime. ”