Our Promise
Unmatched Guarantee
First and foremost, we guarantee your complete satisfaction.

On top of that unheard of promise, we have not yet found one single landscape company anywhere in the country that offers, or even can match, a guarantee of up to five years like we do.
We also employ a Service Coordinator who proactively services our guarantees - inspecting your property one week, one month, and every spring after installation for the length of your guarantee period. The service coordinator’s sole purpose is to catch and resolve problems before you are even aware of them.
Nursery, Plant & Supply Procurement
The Pattie Group has a seven-acre nursery holding and growing area dedicated specifically to our clients and the projects we create. This area allows us to house, acclimate and grow plant material of substantial size and quality that, quite simply, others can’t compete with. Most of our plant material is locally grown or from neighboring northern states. Our nursery is in the heart of the snow belt in Chardon, Ohio, so you know that the plants we are putting in your yard are tested and ready for our bitter Cleveland winters. What’s more, the tested plants are much larger in size when planted, so they fit your property from the start.
We also have our own stone quarry. Our Ohio sandstone top rock used in artistic outcropping, terracing, and water features is mined right here in Ohio and is exclusive to The Pattie Group. We get the best pricing and the most beautiful sandstone boulders for our artistic gardens and water features. We control the products we install at every level we possibly can to ensure the best products possible.
Contact Us
We look forward to hearing from you. Contact us with questions or tell us more about your project or desired services.
Contact Us“ A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain. ”